Verify student parachute flight readiness

with comprehensive pre-jump assessments.
Instructors portal...Students portal...

We want to help ensure that students understand the decisions they need to make and how to collect information during canopy flights to make better decisions by using our virtual parachute training platform.

As Skydiving Instructors, we strive to provide the best training.

  • The airline industry has relied on simulators for decades because hands-on, experiential learning is scientifically proven to be the most effective way for students to master best practices under the guidance of their instructor.

  • They learn better.  They learn quicker.

Read this article in the Instructor Corner from the November 2023 issue of Parachutist, the monthly magazine of the US Parachute Association.
And watch this 15 minute presentation entitled “Virtual Reality as a Training Tool” at the PIA (Parachute Industry Assoc) Symposium in Reno, NV, in February 2023.

Your Benefits (the results our software delivers):

Virtual reality allows students to practice making decisions while under their instructors supervision: they learn best practices.

They better comprehend parachute performance and navigation decisions related to the designated landing area.

They learn faster and better.


As an Instructor, you can verify your student has learnt how to make good canopy navigation decisions.

They are better prepared.

Using VR as a training tool sends a loud signal to your market: we use the best teachnology available to train our students.
Science has proven experiencial learning is the most efficient method of learning.

Experiential learning works best

Instructor tools embedded within VR to help accelerate your student’s learning.

Your students can practice:

  • Assessing their landing point
  • Assessing wind conditions during flight
  • Tracking other canopies
  • Crosswind landings
  • Landing off the DZ

Easily integrate into your existing training program

You have more ability than you think to provide students with a realistic, immersive experience.

A simple chair in a corner with bungees attached above provide students with a physical comprehension of parachute flight.

A big screen helps other students learn by watching what the person in VR does.

Instructors can record 2D video briefings for standard flight patterns at their DZ.